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Passeios em Cusco e Machu Picchu
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Benoit D.
01 de mai. de 2015 02:46


I would like to do the Salcantay trail (one person), starting on the 22th of may at 5.00 AM but I have the following problem.

I arrive in LIma on the 21 of may at 6.00 in the morning. I don’t want to take a plain to cusco because it’s quite expensive. I would prefer a bus.

But I looked at the busses and they only depart from Lima around 14.00 and so arrive on the 22th of may at 10 o’clock (so I would be late)

Can you help me ?

With kind regards,


Re: Information
Messages: 825
03 de mai. de 2015 16:27

Hello Benoit,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, we cannot help you. You must be in Cusco at least 1 day before and stay at least 1 day after to do the trek with us. We don't recommend buses because they could take more than 22 hours to get to Cusco. You can still go to Machu Picchu round trip by train if you don't have time for the hike.

Best regards,

Re: Information
Messages: 825
05 de mai. de 2015 09:33

Hello Benoit,

I am sorry, again, but we cannot help you. We don't do it in 4 days.

Best regards,

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